Friday, September 28, 2018

August 14th, 2018 "Day 1"

"Practice Teaching"

Tuesday, August 14th,  2018,
at 10.10 a.m – 12.10 p.m
Teaching in STEM 4
Finally, today was D-day. Today was my actual teaching.  As usual, when entering the class they will pray then say Greetings for their teacher.
I was very scared and nervous, because this was my very first time meeting the students. I was worried about many things when teaching in the class, such as fear of student misunderstanding about what I explained or something. God, I got butterflies on my stomach. However, I had to deal it. 
When they said "Good Morning miss Kiky! We're glad to see you! Pauline peace to you! ”, I felt like I got tons of spirit. I always tell myself to be brave and do the best for them.
On the first day, I brought a material about Motion, the concept of distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration. I had to prepare lesson plan and the tools that I need before. They were very enthusiastic in learning as this is their first time met with teachers from other countries especially Indonesia.  They were super active and participative. If there was something they did not know, they always asked it directly. When I gave question or exercise, they could solve it well.
Although, I had hard time as having different accent when delivering the lesson, my students could understand it by the time.
During the learning process, we also shared about our different culture. I shared everything they want to know about Indonesia, and they will share everything about Philippines.
My first impression in teaching Grade 12th STEM 4 was they were very kind, friendly, disciplined, respectful, and little noisy. :D
In the end of class, they would pray and say, "Goodbye and thank you miss kiky! Have a nice day, and God bless you ".

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
-Vince Lombardi-


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